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AJ with unicycle lakeside
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All About The Cold: February 2024

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All about the cold in the month of December = Brrr! I am:

Thursday, February 1, 2024

A Tour of NASA’s 2024 Solar Eclipse Map

A Tour of NASA’s 2024 Solar Eclipse Map

On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will cross North America

Passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada, visible if there are no clouds in the way. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk, and those standing in the path of totality may see the Sun’s outermost atmosphere (the corona) if weather permits.

Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 over Texas

Total Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 over Texas

April 8, 2024

Up in a tree

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